About us

The Galway Childcare Committee was established in 2000. The key aim of the Galway Childcare Committee is to coordinate the implementation of National Childcare Policy and Programmes at local level on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Diversity, Integration and Youth. 

Mission Statement

To assist childcare providers to develop appropriate childcare services which respond to and cater for the needs of local parents and their children and meet the objectives of National Childcare Policy; and to continue to support and work with childcare providers, parents and other key stakeholders at local level.


Galway Childcare Committee’s management ethos is based on a partnership approach to ensure effective coordination and collaboration at all levels. In planning and implementing strategies and actions the Company’s ethos is based on principles of equality of access and participation, inclusion, valuing diversity and targeting resources towards levelling advantage.




The Company is made up of members representing statutory and voluntary groups with an interest in childcare, partnership boards, childcare providers and parents. These include:

  • Statutory Sector: Tusla, Local Authorities, GRETB
  • Partnership Boards: Galway City Partnership, Galway Rural Development Company
  • Social Partners: Farming Organisations, PPN Galway City, PPN Galway County, Western Travellers Intercultural & Development Association, Sccul Enterprises
  • Childcare Sector: National Voluntary Childcare Organisations: Early Childhood Ireland, Comhar Naí­onraí na Gaeltachta.
  • Childcare Providers
  • Parents
  • GCC Staff Representative



Galway Childcare Committee employs 11 staff members, including a Manager, Administrator, Clerical Support Worker, a Childminding Development Officer and 7 Development Officers.


Directors Name  Position on the Board of Management Committee
Lynne Keery  Chairperson / Director
Catherine Johnston  Director
Ann Mallaghan  Director
John Burke      Director

If you have any questions or enquiries about our services, click the following link to contact us today